Friday, September 24, 2021

Application of Raman spectroscopy

 Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry 

  • The Raman technique is often superior to infrared for investigating inorganic systems because aqueous solutions can be employed.
  • In addition, the vibrational energies of metal-ligands bonds are generally in the range of 100 to 700 cm-1, a region of the infrared that is experimentally difficult to study.
  • These vibrations are frequently Raman active however, and peaks with ∆υ values in this range were readily observed.

  • Raman sensors are used in situ and real time monitoring of inorganic substances iin aqueous solution in the sea, in tanks or in vicinity of industrial sites.
  • Raman sensors provide identification of many species with a fairly good component resolution and accurate determination of their concentration.
  • Raman studies are potentially useful sources of information concerning the composition, structure and stability of coordination compounds.
  • It can also be used to assign vibrations and identify different types of ligands.
  • Raman spectroscopy is an efficient tool used to investigate semiconductor surfaces or interfaces made up of a semiconductor and metal or an insulator, or to characterize the strains brought about by heavy doping in semiconductors.
  • It is being used to study polymers which have high electrical conductivity, optical nonlinearity, strength and forms of electronic coupling to the environment such as piezoelectric effect.
  • Raman spectroscopy is used by inorganic chemist to help in establishing the structures of the new molecule that have been synthesized.
  • Raman spectroscopy provides like a fingerprint of a substance since each line of Raman spectrum is associated to a particular vibrational mode of the molecule.
  • Raman spectroscopy is convenient technique to detect the different substances in a mixture and via an calibration, to determine the content of each species.
  • Raman spectroscopy detects the polarizability change of a molecule.
  • Raman spectroscopy becomes more important as probe.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Electrocardiography and it's electrical aspects


Electrocardiography and it's electrical aspects

Solar Water Splitting

  Solar-water splitting – A sustainable route for renewable hydrogen

Water splitting is a process of dissociation of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Extraction of hydrogen from water molecules is an important and green approach, since water exists in abundance on our planet and also the envisaged process would not produce any harmful by-products. However, the process of water-splitting still requires energy as it involves positive change to the Gibbs free energy (∆G° = 113 kcal/mol). 

Water can be split by several methods like; (i) electrolysis, in which electric current passed through water splits water into its components – hydrogen and oxygen; (ii) biological methods in which algae is used to split water; and (iii) thermochemical methods that require high temperature. Among all the above, solar-water splitting is a sustainable route for renewable hydrogen production. Hydrogen produced is a carbon-free fuel; hence, efficient storage of solar energy into hydrogen and the use of later as fuel can alleviate many energy and environmental issues.

The idea of solar-water splitting for hydrogen production is derived primarily from the naturally occurring photosynthesis process in which plants use solar energy to make their food in the form of complex molecules like carbohydrates. On a similar line, solar energy can be used in the splitting of water to produce hydrogen as fuel. To accelerate the development of hydrogen produced by renewable solar energy, several techniques have been developed like photoelectrochemical water splitting (PEC), photocatalytic, photovoltaic-electrolysis etc. In these techniques, PEC water splitting is simplest, efficient, cheap and clean method for production of hydrogen.

Vitamins and their Scientific / Chemical name

        Vitamins                          Chemical Name Vitamin A                             Retinol Vitamin B1                          Th...